Bummit on a Budget
Bummit can be expensive, and on top of the ticket cost and the fundraising deposit, there can be a lot to cover on the trip itself! As part of our new inclusions policy, we have committed to making every effort possible to make Bummit accessible to all students, and increasing participation for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. We have compiled this guide to help you minimise costs when hitchhiking from Sheffield to Ljiubljana.
Bummit can be expensive, and on top of the ticket cost and the fundraising deposit, there can be a lot to cover on the trip itself! As part of our inclusions policy, we have committed to making every effort possible to make Bummit accessible to all students, and increasing participation for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. We have compiled this guide to help you minimise costs when hitchhiking.
In general, remember to bring everything you will need so you don’t have to buy it along the way!
This includes but is not limited to:
- Toiletries → shampoo, soap, toothpaste etc.
- Warm clothes → fleece, thick socks, WATERPROOF JACKET(!) etc.
- Phone accessories → charger, plug adapter, power bank etc.
Your goody bag also contains some useful bits so don’t forget to check what you’ve got!
A good option to prevent you from overspending is to set a daily budget → e.g. €30/day (hostel, food & drink, public transport & sightseeing). Additionally, avoid staying in big cities like Paris, Amsterdam and Munich as they are considerably more expensive than their smaller counterparts. The main costs you will face are crossing the channel, accommodation and food.
Crossing the Channel
If you’re prepared to pay, the ferry from Newcastle → Amsterdam is your cheapest option. Booking the ferry in advance is recommended and can be as little as £22 per person if you book ASAP!
It is possible to hitchhike across the channel for free!
– Dover→ Calais Ferry
You can hitchhike this journey in someone’s car at no additional cost. If they have already paid for their car to go on the ferry, having an additional two or three people does not cost them anything more. You can try and explain this to people to get across the channel for free, but remember to explain it clearly and patiently. This is risky, as if you can’t convince anyone to take you, you will then have to pay your way on to the ferry which is expensive if you haven’t booked in advance.
– Folkestone → Calais Eurotunnel
This is the same case as the ferry (i.e. passengers can join a vehicle at no additional cost to the driver), HOWEVER they do not cater for foot passengers so it will be a lot harder to be in the right spot to catch a lift. Additionally if you fail to get a lift you will be forced to travel by public transport or catch a ride coming off the Eurotunnel in another direction.

Compare hostels on Hostelworld before you arrive in your destination city to find the cheapest beds. Dorm rooms will always be the cheaper option over a private room. Find another team of Bummiters staying in the same city and share a dorm room, or just share with strangers.

£2.51 a month subscription (Remember to cancel after the trip!). Couchsurfing is a global community of 14 million people in more than 200,000 cities. The app helps you to connect with hosts.

A free alternative to Couchsurfing.

Campsites are very common and can be cheaper than staying in hostels, but this might mean staying in a more rural area which might be more difficult to hitch a ride from. There are many campsites across the Netherlands, Northern France and Germany, but make sure you check the price before you turn up! In most countries wild camping is permitted WITH PERMISSION FROM THE LANDOWNER. In small towns and villages it might help to find a city hall or church, who might own some land and give you permission to pitch there for the night. DO NOT CAMP in Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia or Czech Republic unless it’s in a campsite. It’s illegal and you could be fined up to €2000.
- Choose hostels with kitchen areas. Cooking your own meals is considerably cheaper than eating out.
- Bring a lunch box or Tupperware and make a packed lunch when you can.
- Supermarkets are much cheaper than service stations!
- Bring or buy multipacks of energy bars and snacks to avoid spending loads of money when you’re peckish. The goody bags are the perfect receptacle for carrying snacks!
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you’re worried about money during the trip, we are always there to give you advice and help you out to the best of our ability.