This page should contain a list of all questions that are frequently asked to Bummit. We hope this helps.
If this hasn’t answered your question(s) please send us an email to bummit@sheffield.ac.uk or alternatively put your question on one of our many social network media (Facebook) by clicking on the social media icons on top of the page.
- Bummit is the largest student led charity hitchhike in the world
- We do two trips a year. A day long one in the UK (Nov 13th) and a week long one across Europe (Easter Break)
- Each participant has to fundraise in order to do the trip. It’s £100 on baby and £250 on big
- We fundraise mainly for local charities and for each trip we pick one charity in the destination city
- Previously we have raised money for – Snowdrop project, Ben’s centre, SayIt, Cavendish Cancer Care, Urban Root (Glasgow), Banco Alimentar contra a fome (Food bank against hunger-in Portuguese) (Porto)
Yes. Bummit has a perfect safety record which we have maintained since our inception. If you keep your wits about you, you will be fine. You do not have to accept every lift. In fact we recommend you don’t. First and foremost only take lifts with people who seem safe! Its not rude to turn down a lift. We also recommend only taking lifts which are going where you want to go and are going far enough. Another, better lift is always around the corner!
We have several safety measures in place:
- People hitch-hike in teams of 2 or 3, with at least 1 cisgender man in the team
- Mandatory safety talks before the event
- 24/7 safety and advice phones
- Lucy Coull back in Sheffield has contacts for organisations potentially needed e.g. embassies and the police
- Teams have to check in daily with the Bummit committee via a safety phone
- In the event you do not make contact, we will try to contact you
- If we haven’t heard from you for 24 hours we will inform the British consulate nearest to your last confirmed location who will then take the appropriate action. THIS HAS NEVER HAD TO HAPPEN!
- We have been free from hitchhiking-related safety problems for over 20 years.
There will be endless amounts of advice given in the run up to the trip.
The best way is to talk politely to people at service or petrol stations. You’re a lovely educated young student who is trying to raise money for charity: Joe Public will be very keen to help you out!
If you’re not in a place where you can talk to people, then just get those thumbs and signs out! Someone will stop eventually. Especially if you look happy and enthusiastic on the side of the road.
Often in Europe it can be relatively easy to get a train for free! Although this should be done with the permission of the conductor who is working on the train – and every time the conductor changes. If they don’t speak English there will be letters in different languages explaining what you are doing.
Be inventive! You CAN fundraise in unique ways! We will also be sending round a guide called the fundraising pack to help you with this. Everyone has to set up a GiveStar account.
Here are a number of ways you can raise money:
- Bucketing at Bummit socials
- Selling toast and other food items at Foundry club nights
- Throwing a house party and asking for a small entrance fee
- Carboot sale or garden sale
- Set up a stand in the Student’s Union and sell items. This could be anything from baked goods to old clothes!
People often have space in their car to let you hitch a ride with them. Luckily for hitch-hikers cars going onto ferries or the Eurotunnel are paid per car rather than per person! This means you can hitch a ride with them and you don’t have to pay!
Instructions can be found in the fundraising pack. Please do NOT set up a different account or send money to the wrong charity. Check the instructions!
Bummit is a fundraising series of events, to be a viable way to fundraise we need to be able to guarantee this fundraising capability. The current best way of doing this is by taking a cheque for the minimum sponsorship amount as a guarantee – we will not cash this unless you do not raise the money in time.
If you have a bank account you will be able to order a cheque book from your bank. If this is not possible, you can pay your sponsorship guarantee in cash.
The information desk in the Activites Zone in the Students’ Union (next to coffee revs, open Monday-Friday, 11am-4pm)
Yes you can! Baby Bummit does not require any visa as the endpoint location is in U.K.
For Big Bummit, you may or may not need a visa, depending on your passport-issuing country. Please consult with this list by clicking here
If you need a visa, then you can apply for a Short Stay (C) Schengen Visa with the assistance of the advice centre which can be found in Sheffield Students Union.
The process of getting a visa can take a few weeks depending on your passport issuing country, and will also require you to book an appointment and provide fingerprints to the corresponding consulate, so please start this process as soon as possible. For further assistance please send us an email to bummit@sheffield.ac.uk or eei.bummit@sheffield.ac.uk
Absolutely! There are lots of ways to find team mates;
- Come to Bummit socials! Its a friendly environment to for friend and teammate making.
- We run speed-dating events to find teammates
- If you do end up without a team close to the event’s date, we will sort it out for you!
We run several team mating socials – great opportunities to meet guys who have signed up on their own!
Contact Bummit via Instagram to find out the dates of the team mating social! Link to social media is on the top!
Only members of Sheffield Students’ Union can participate in our events. This is due to insurance reasons and unfortunately we can’t make any exceptions.
Google Flights is your friend! It will show you all the possible flights from any location and shows you the best possible flight depending on price, or duration! Check it out!
Remember flexibility with time and location will probably help you out here.